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Imagine you could see exactly what your competitors were doing. 

What would that unlock for your business?

2,200+ brands and their operators have this answer at their fingertips.

Scroll down... and you can have those answers too.



Unlock 3 Actionable Insights

Insight #1: How am I performing tactically relative to competing brands within the key dimensions of Share of Voice, Assortment, Customer Sentiment, Availability, and Brand Strength?

Insight #2: What is working for my competitors that I need to better understand to optimize my strategy?

Insight #3: What are opportunities for growth I haven't yet capitalized on?

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How did CeraVe win on Brand Strength?

CommerceIQ has enabled my team to operate at the pace needed to win in the market. Issues that would take weeks to identify are now being flagged and resolved on the same day.

Stephen Mischel
Ecommerce Sales Team Lead, Bayer

Check out Results from other Leading Brands



Instant Brands


So What Does CommerceIQ Do?

Using artificial intelligence, machine learning and software, we are sought-after experts on how to grow your ecommerce business on retailers like Sam's Club, Amazon and Walmart.

But Don’t Take Our Word For It.

See what others have to say about us:

Pilgrim's saw incredible results when working with CommerceIQ's.

CommerceIQ’s e-commerce management platform provides substantial benefits, giving us the ability to understand performance across granular targets, including branded, generic and competitive keywords and apply bulk automations to optimize our campaigns in line with our business objectives.

Rizwan Akbar
Head of E-Commerce, Pilgrim's

CommerceIQ has enabled my team to operate at the pace needed to win in the market. Issues that would take weeks to identify are now being flagged and resolved on the same day.

Stephen Mischel
Ecommerce Sales Team Lead, Bayer

Pilgrim's Results Speak for Themselves




Market Share



One smart platform for your retail ecommerce business. Finally.

CommerceIQ is the pioneer in helping brands win through retail ecommerce channels such as Amazon, Sam's Club, Kroger, Walmart.com, and Instacart, where 85% of all ecommerce happens. CommerceIQ's unified platform applies machine learning and automation across marketing, supply chain, and sales operations to help brands unlock the secret to gaining market share profitably.

Ecommerce Sales Operations

Track and improve your performance across sales, operations and media metrics, including SKU-level profitability and market share.

Profit Recovery Automation

Machine driven approach to identify shortage drivers and dispute 100% of shortage dollars which nets a 70% success rate.

Retail Media Management

Full funnel single source of truth for retail media spend, performance and optimization across your omnichannel team.

Digital Shelf Optimization

Enables brands to ensure the right assortment, availability and fulfillment methods down to a brand, category, and regional market level.